

Before the start of the pandemic, Sidi was working as a fire marshal and concierge. In March 2020 Sidi was made redundant, one of many workers across the UK. Sidi’s circumstances kept fluctuating, and in the periods when he had no income or support from UC, his savings were soon depleted in order to survive day to day. He began accumulating rent arrears that are now threatening to make him homeless. 

“I would like to return to being in control of my life. I have lost my job twice … before this I was paying my rent regularly. I had a well paid job which was helping me manage my monthly expenses. After losing my job, I had no income… since then it has been difficult for me to recover financially.”


Sidi is determined to avoid homelessness. In May 2022, he secured employment and is no longer accessing benefits, successfully making his rent payments every month through his own income. However, the arrears are still outstanding with his housing provider who are proceeding with the eviction unless Sidi clears the arrears. 


“I am now employed as a team leader, working full time on a permanent contract. My long term goal is to work in security. I recently trained and secured my security badge (SIA). Whilst working full time, I’m still looking for security agencies to work, earn extra and build my experience. I am in a better financial position and able to keep up with rent payments, but the outstanding arrears are holding me back. If I lose my home, I will have nowhere to go and will not be able to sustain myself.


The impact of losing his home will have a detrimental effect on his mental health and wellbeing. The anxiety and stress caused by the looming eviction could affect his ability to cope and work, but he’s determined to keep his independence. Our support will enable Sidi to keep his home, his job and maintain long-term stability. 



Sidi’s Support Worker:

“We are unable to find a grant that the client is eligible for to help pay off the rent arrears. He is dedicated to securing a job as a security guard but willing to work other jobs to be in a good financial position.”


 Sidi’s Next Steps

1) Raise money to pay rent arrears to secure my tenancy.

2) Continue working full time to sustain paying rent every month

3) Search for security agencies to work part time and increase my income and build experience

4) Secure a job as a full time security guard that pays with salary rate.