
Our Campaigns

  • 1403

    People we have helped

  • £49.2 Million

    We have saved for local and central governments

  • Over 86%

    People have been housed

  • Over 47%

    People have been employed

Why are some profiles anonymous?

Many of those who receive support from Greater Change choose to keep their profile anonymous. For safety and privacy reasons, it is often inappropriate to publish any identifying information.

  • Conan needs our support to raise £1830 to afford a rental deposit and first months rent.   Conan has been receiving support from a partner...

    92% left
    Objective: £1830
  • Madeline is a single mother, working part-time and looking to move into a smaller flat that’s more affordable.   After a relationship breakdown, Madeline was...

    63% left
    Objective: £3366
  • Mohammad moved to the UK as an asylum seeker, where he was rough sleeping for months until he was put in touch with a partner...

    19% left
    Objective: £1780


Where does Greater Change get money from?

Greater Change’s funding comes from a range of sources including individual donations, philanthropy, grant-making bodies, local councils and corporate partnerships.


One off and monthly donations through the website are vital in enabling Greater Change to support hundreds of clients per year. 100% of these donations go directly to the campaigns of clients we support, with operational costs funded by local councils and grant-making bodies.

Who does Greater Change support?

Greater Change supports people who are homeless or at immediate risk of becoming homeless. Our funding helps them to take transformative steps out of homelessness for good.

How do people access Greater Change’s support?

Greater Change partners with local homelessness charities who have strong existing relationships with their clients. These clients then work with their support workers to apply for Greater Change’s funding when they need a financial boost. Once the funding goal is agreed, Greater Change transfers the grant to the partner charity, which purchases the goal directly.

What can people apply for?

Our clients can apply for anything that will help them take significant steps out of homelessness. By not having set criteria, we trust those we support and give them control over the process. Common goals include rent deposits, vital furnishings, ID and training courses, but we have also funded many less common goals including exam resits, WiFi and disability adjustments.

What happens if people don't want to appear on the Greater Change platform?

Over 90% of those we support choose not to appear on the platform for safety and privacy reasons. There is no obligation to do so and those who don’t are no less likely to receive our support than those who do.

I can't choose who I want to fund. How can I fund more than one person?

Our flexible platform allows you to make a one off/monthly donation instead of donating to a particular campaign. This is used to support clients who need the money urgently or who choose to remain anonymous for safety and privacy reasons. No matter how you donate, 100% of your money will be used to help our clients.