

Lydia needs our support to raise £2,156 to clear arrears and maintain her tenancy.


Lydia was staying in a shelter for several months whilst receiving support from a partner charity. During this time, she secured employment; however, she has not received reliable hours as she is on a zero-hour contract, resulting in her missing rent payments. Her arrears have increased significantly and she is facing eviction if she doesn’t begin paying soon. Lydia needs to maintain this tenancy until her lease ends, in order to move into alternative accommodation in the future.


With our support, Lydia will be able to clear her rent arrears and maintain her tenancy. She hopes to eventually return to education to move into more stable employment.


Lydia’s next steps:

Pay rent arrears

Return to education

Find new employment with more consistent hours

Find alternative accommodation

*Please note: We have used a stock image to protect our client’s identity.*