

Ismael needs our support to raise £464 for a certification course that would enable him to secure full time employment.


Ismael is a refugee who arrived in the UK more than a year ago and was rough sleeping before being put in contact with a partner charity. He was then able to secure temporary accommodation for one year but his tenancy is nearly finished. As part of his plan to move on to private rented accommodation, Ismael needs to gain employment. He has ambitions of becoming a security guard, but he first must complete a certification course and pay for his badge. 


With our support, Ismael will be able to complete the certification course, enabling him to secure employment and eventually access the private rented sector.


Ishmael’s next steps:

Complete employment certification course

Obtain security badge

Secure employment

Move into privately rented accommodation

*Please note: We have used a stock image and pseudonym to protect our client’s identity.*