

Kia is only 20 years old and needs the support he has lacked. As a child, Kia was abused in the care home he grew up in and today he is living in a night shelter.  He has no place to call home and every morning at 8am, Kia has to leave the shelter and is confronted by the harsh, cold, English weather. 

He doesn’t have suitable clothes and footwear and we need your support to raise £260 to purchase a warm winter coat, suitable footwear that can sustain the weather and funds to cover his travel expenses. Although Kia’s trauma and hardships have affected his financial stability, this has not stopped him from being positive and aspiring for success. 


“I want to go to university to study social media marketing. In the future I want to have my own home and business. I want to become an investor or trader in sales & marketing. I would also like to volunteer as a mentor for young people who have the same experiences that I have had ie abuse & homelessness.”


Kia needs your support to ensure that he has the resources he needs to move forward. Kia’s income limits his opportunity to buy these essential items. He cannot afford to go without a warm coat, sensible shoes and money to travel as he will be at risk of becoming a rough sleeper, negatively affecting his mental health and wellbeing or being exploited for small financial gains. 


Kia’s Support Worker: Kia is a very active and likeable young man. He does not let his past experiences block him from his future aspirations. He engages well and has demonstrated leadership skills. I am sure that he will be successful in whatever he chooses to do with his life.”


Kia should have the opportunity to look presentable and feel warm whilst attending his housing appointments and attending university open days. You have an opportunity to invest in this young person’s future today. 


Kia’s Next Steps:

Secure housing

Apply to do a foundation course

Apply for university

Continue trading online


*Please note: We have used a stock image to protect our client’s identity.*