

Seven years ago, I had a normal life and was an active part of the community. I had been diagnosed with clinical depression but other than taking the medication prescribed I didn’t really deal with my mental health condition. Then I had a series of events in my life that happened close together and caused my mental health to deteriorate. A long-term relationship I was in broke down and my ex-partner continued to harass me after we split up. My brother was diagnosed with cancer, and my father passed away – my support network was completely gone. I didn’t have anyone to pick up the phone and talk to when I was feeling low.

I had a breakdown and closed the door to life, literally not leaving my house other than to get junk food from the corner shop for more than two years. I had stopped using my phone because of the continual harassment from my ex-partner so I only found out that my sister had committed suicide when someone left a note on my door. This left me with thoughts of suicide myself and meant that I was barely hanging on.


Throughout this time I had stopped working and rapidly went into rent arrears. My car was taken because I didn’t pay the tax and I had court action against me to leave my home. 

I was lucky in some ways as it was throughout the pandemic, and the judge didn’t evict me and instead put me on a payment plan to pay my debt and warned that there would be absolutely no second chance if this happened again. 

After this, it just clicked that I couldn’t continue on this way and needed to find help. I have since been in contact with the Winter Night Shelter MK and other charities who have helped me understand my mental health condition. I have attended counselling sessions and am beginning to get back on my feet again.”


Soames is halfway to completing an English qualification to enable him to access an Adult Social Care course. Throughout this time, he’s been going to public libraries and charities to access the internet to enable him to study and complete remote learning, as he cannot afford paying for internet at home, “I spend all money on paying my rent debt, rent, food and bills, there is never anything left over so I do what I can”. 


This arrangement is time-extensive, and mentally and physically not sustainable. With our support, we can help fund internet for a year to enable Soames to finish his English qualification and Adult Social Care course in his own home, giving him the tools to succeed and move on with his life.

My goal is to ultimately gain a qualification in Adult Social Care as I believe I can make a real difference to people after the lived experience I have had personally.”


Soames’ support worker: “Soames has reached the point where he is ready for the next step but as he is not homeless right now it closes a lot of doors to the help he can get for simple things that will make such a big difference in his life and let him move on.”


 Soames’ Next Steps

1. Raise the money and work with support worker to set up broadband at home. 

2. Finish my English course 

3. Work with support workers on the next step, which further education course to take that. 

4. Complete course in adult social care