
Our Campaigns

  • 909

    People we have helped

  • £31.9 Million

    We have saved for local and central governments

  • Over 86%

    People have been housed

  • Over 47%

    People have been employed

Where Is My Money Going?

100% of your donation goes directly to the campaigns of clients we support. Our operational costs are funded by grant-making bodies. Clients who for safety and privacy reasons do not share their campaign publicly are no less likely to receive funding from split and monthly donations than those who do.

  • Daniel needs our help to raise £800 to purchase vital furnishings, in order to get settled and get his life started.

    55% left
    Objective: £800
  • Haifa needs our support to raise £450 to purchase vital furnishings, including a desk and chair to continue her education.

    20% left
    Objective: £450
  • Ahmet needs our support to raise £1,950 to pay his deposit and advance rent which will help him move out of homelessness and secure his privately rented accommodation.

    82% left
    Objective: £1950
  • £400 will allow Stacey to purchase vital furnishings in the accommodation she has moved into without falling into debt.

    10% left
    Objective: £400
  • Terell needs our support to raise £2,200 to fund his deposit and first month’s rent in advance, which will allow him to move out of homelessness and into privately rented accommodation.

    84% left
    Objective: £2200


Who does Greater Change support?

Greater Change supports people who, with some funding, can make a long-term positive change. We support individuals referred to us by partner charities who are homeless, or at immediate risk of becoming homeless.

How do people get help from Greater Change?

The charities who we partner with refer people to us who would benefit from our help. We then encourage support workers to build up a relationship with individuals who are homeless, ask them what they want, and need, to return to a home, and create a clear action plan and a savings target to achieve this. Savings targets are typically for housing deposits, ID, and training courses. We have no hard rules set on what we will fund, instead choosing to take a flexible approach that respects our client’s aspirations. Once Greater Change has provided the funding, the support worker’s charity purchases the saving goal directly, to ensure accountability and transparency.

What happens if people don’t want to share their campaign publicly?

Greater Change asks all clients and their social worker whether they would like to be on the platform. The majority of those we support choose not to share their campaign publicly for safety and privacy reasons. Our help is not contingent on people going on the platform. These clients are no less likely to receive funding from split and monthly donations than those who do share their campaign.

What information do people need to share when they create their campaign?

It is not compulsory for anyone applying for funding from Greater Change to share any details publicly — their name, face and story could remain completely anonymised. Many are keen to share their stories, and are excited by the opportunity to break down stigmas and preconceived judgments that people might have about homelessness. It can also be an extremely cathartic process for our clients to share their stories and see the positive support from our community.

Why are some profiles anonymous?

Some clients want to share their story and a few details about their future hopes, but don’t want to be recognisable. This may be due to serious safety and privacy concerns. In this case, they can choose to use an alias and not to share a photo.